So in an effort to prove that progress is being made on my planned Longview / Kelso music documentary I have started a Youtube channel. I decided to do this channel for several reasons:
1. To help me practice doing editing and other technical aspects which all the big time film makers know how to do. I am approaching this project with as much of a D.I.Y. spirit as possible and practicing the technical elements will go a long way to helping me achieve a more cohesive finished product.
2. Just because watching all these videos is fun. Some of these I have seen countless times over the years, but there is something exciting about taking some of these clips and posting them up for all to see. This is not just a project for my own personal benefit but it is a way to help preserve great moments which have long sat in boxes on worn out VHS tapes. I have tons of stuff that I have gone to great lengths to preserve and I can do the same for you.
3. The most important aspect is the hope that I can inspire YOU to action. Pull out those dusty boxes. Open those closets. Climb into your attic and see what you find. Again, I do not want to do this project alone. I can only achieve something fantastic with your contributions. I have given you easy and convenient ways to contact me. I am always available and never hard to find.
Now….with all that being said….here's the real update. While I appreciate all of you whom have contributed materials there is simply TOO MUCH TALK. I keep hearing "Yeah man I will get ahold of you"……"Oh man this is going to be so awesome"……and "Oh yeah I have stuff for you." But let's face it….until I hear from many of you it's all a bunch of noise signifying nothing. Excuses are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Many of you subscribe to 'punk' concepts such as ACTION NOW and DO IT YOURSELF. However, the reality is that once the music dies, the show is over, and the last beer gets drank, the slogans and ideals are nothing more than a distant memory.
Yes, I am fully aware of how life has a way of making us aware of our responsibilities and obligations. Back when we were all in our teens and 20s it was easy to just go wild with our impulses and live the way we wanted. When we get older, that impulsiveness gets less accessible when the rent is due or the electricity is about to get shut off. However, I have a passion for the project I am working on and am fully ready and willing to do the necessary leg work and heavy lifting to make it all come together. Even though I work 40 hours a week, have bills, and obligations I have made it a point to not just roll over and let life run me over. There are songs that have yet to be written and art to be conceptualized and I for one want to take advantage of those precious moments when I can LIVE.
So will there be a DOCUMENTARY? That is a question that I have been pondering quite a bit as of late. The most honest answer I can give is I DO NOT KNOW. This project is not just me assembling a bunch of old clips together, it is much like a research project where you need as much material as possible. When I do research I always seek to cast my net as far and as wide as possible. I am hoping that I have more material than I can possibly even work with in a film type setting. As stated elsewhere, Spring 2015 is the final deadline for gathering, and honestly, unless I hear from a vast amount of you, I may just call it good and keep what I have gathered for my own personal collection. This is a project I am incredibly passionate about and I apologize if some of you do not feel the same. If you are one of those who do not respect me personally or have no love for my meager contributions to our local scene I will not attempt to sway your opinion. Again, I am on a mission, I want to DO SOMETHING, I want to MAKE ART, I want to FUCKING LIVE. What about the rest of you?
(360)355.6425 [call me or text me I am open to whatever your preferred means of communication is]
contact Hilarie Hughes on Facebook.
1. Some of you may or may not have noticed that many of the videos I have posted contain numerous of my own projects. This is not a calculated scheme to give myself more air time but more about the fact that I HAVE DONE A LOT OF BANDS OVER THE YEARS. I grew up in this local scene and while that may seem corny to some, I feel justifiably proud of the stuff I have been privileged to participate in. I never got into music to make money, or to be a big rock star, and I cannot think of a single time where those notions ever occurred to me. I have always just wanted to have fun with my friends, nothing more, nothing less. Rest assured, more videos will get added on a semi regular basis featuring so many more great bands from around the way. Stay tuned.
2. On a completely unrelated note: After several months of downtime Seattle Punk is back online. Go visit OR and join in the discussion.
3. Working on a new Chuck Roast cd entitled 'Blah Blah Cadabra' which should see the light in the next month or so. I will start playing some of the new tunes at upcoming shows if there are any shows and I feel so inclined to do them.
4. My noise project Cracked Dome is working on a split CD with East Coast noise faction A SNAKE IN THE GARDEN. This disc will be released on California D.I.Y. label Nefarious Activities. First noise release I have done in about 4 years.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
DOCUMENTARY UPDATE [For you "On the Go" Types]
Yeah yeah yeah I get it.....some of you lead busy lives and do not have all the time in the world to read my long dissertation on how the documentary is coming along. So in the interest of helping those of you who are too busy, too lazy, or have difficulty reading I am dishing out an abridged version of my previous blog. However, this should not excuse you from taking a few minutes out of your day and getting your brain filled with something a little meatier than what you're going to get from some asswipe on Facebook. So here you go.....the short version:
1. RESEARCH STAGE: I have been digitizing tapes for the last year or so and continue to get new stuff on a semi-regular basis. There has also been a tremendous amount of scanning of photos, fliers, and other stuff of interest.
2. THE GIST OF THE PROJECT: What are the origins of our local scene? When did kids stop doing Guess Who and Loverboy covers and start writing their own tunes? Then the ultimate question is posed. Why are there so many participants in the Longview / Kelso music scene still hard at it when there's no money, fame, or recognition to be had? Many of these participants are now approaching middle age. What drives them? What is everyone up to today?
3. I AM NOT WORKING ALONE: This is my project which I have long wished to do but it will not be told from my own perspective. While my archives and personal recollections are substantial, they are simply part of a much larger puzzle. The story of our local scene needs to be told by those who have lived it and are still living it.
4. I NEED YOUR HELP: You.....yes a major role in putting this project together. Your contributions, no matter how small, are all critical to me. Get in touch at or at and let's talk. What do you have stashed away?
1. VIDEOS: I do not care if it is a show, practice, party, skit, or whatever. All videos will be considered. While some things may not make it into the finished product they will be a part of a website which I will assemble in the future. Format of the video is of no concern to me as I accept VHS, VHSc, Hi8, and blah blah blah. Drop me a line and lets talk.
2. SOUNDS: Anything works.....Demo tapes, cassette reels, DAT, vinyl, cd blah blah blah. I take them all.
3. PICTURES AND FLIERS: Anything and everything. Send them over. I can come to you and scan them in person or you can bring me stuff to scan. All items will be in the same condition when they are returned to you.
4. ANYTHING ELSE: Set lists, lyrics, news clippings etc. I do not care if you think your stuff is worthy because it is.
5. CURRENT INTERVIEWS: Hopefully by next summer I will be conducting videotaped interviews with scene participants. This will be a major part of this project as I will not simply be relying on archival footage alone.
In closing, thanks to those who have participated thus far, you have all made huge contributions to this project. To the rest of you......I WANT YOUR PARTICIPATION. Get in touch with me and let's shoot the shit.
Chuck Roast
I have a youtube channel at Go check out stuff and get stoked. More videos will be added in the days and weeks to come.
1. RESEARCH STAGE: I have been digitizing tapes for the last year or so and continue to get new stuff on a semi-regular basis. There has also been a tremendous amount of scanning of photos, fliers, and other stuff of interest.
2. THE GIST OF THE PROJECT: What are the origins of our local scene? When did kids stop doing Guess Who and Loverboy covers and start writing their own tunes? Then the ultimate question is posed. Why are there so many participants in the Longview / Kelso music scene still hard at it when there's no money, fame, or recognition to be had? Many of these participants are now approaching middle age. What drives them? What is everyone up to today?
3. I AM NOT WORKING ALONE: This is my project which I have long wished to do but it will not be told from my own perspective. While my archives and personal recollections are substantial, they are simply part of a much larger puzzle. The story of our local scene needs to be told by those who have lived it and are still living it.
4. I NEED YOUR HELP: You.....yes a major role in putting this project together. Your contributions, no matter how small, are all critical to me. Get in touch at or at and let's talk. What do you have stashed away?
1. VIDEOS: I do not care if it is a show, practice, party, skit, or whatever. All videos will be considered. While some things may not make it into the finished product they will be a part of a website which I will assemble in the future. Format of the video is of no concern to me as I accept VHS, VHSc, Hi8, and blah blah blah. Drop me a line and lets talk.
2. SOUNDS: Anything works.....Demo tapes, cassette reels, DAT, vinyl, cd blah blah blah. I take them all.
3. PICTURES AND FLIERS: Anything and everything. Send them over. I can come to you and scan them in person or you can bring me stuff to scan. All items will be in the same condition when they are returned to you.
4. ANYTHING ELSE: Set lists, lyrics, news clippings etc. I do not care if you think your stuff is worthy because it is.
5. CURRENT INTERVIEWS: Hopefully by next summer I will be conducting videotaped interviews with scene participants. This will be a major part of this project as I will not simply be relying on archival footage alone.
In closing, thanks to those who have participated thus far, you have all made huge contributions to this project. To the rest of you......I WANT YOUR PARTICIPATION. Get in touch with me and let's shoot the shit.
Chuck Roast
I have a youtube channel at Go check out stuff and get stoked. More videos will be added in the days and weeks to come.
Monday, September 1, 2014
It has been quite awhile since I have posted anything here at the Headless Pymp Rock Alliance blogspot so I shall dive in head first and get right to the point. For the last several years I have been slowly cultivating a project which documents the local music scene here in Longview / Kelso. Again, when I say ‘slowly’ I am not joking, as this particular project has often taken a backseat to real life stuff which requires my immediate attention. I have gone through fits of inspiration in which I make considerable progress and then there are times when the project goes dormant. The last several months have been a period of extreme hibernation as I completed my final semesters at Washington State University and received a promotion of sorts at my work. Factor in family emergencies and the requisite rock-n-roll engagements here and there, it becomes abundantly clear as to why my documentary project becomes low on my priority list. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I will dish you up an update of sorts as this project is still very much a going concern. It is my belief that while Longview / Kelso has made little headway in the larger world of music, there is an important story to be told.
The initial thought process behind this project has been to figure out what is it that a Longview / Kelso music documentary would actually say. What is the message? What is the overall theme? For me, there is a clear line which local kids were taking it upon themselves to step outside the cover band schematic and write their own songs, create their own scene. This is a common theme with most of the books I have read on the subject, small towns developing a culture of sorts out of what they had gathered from elsewhere. For example, many towns in the Midwestern United States had little to no cultural base unless it was imported to them from places such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York. However, this sort of cultural importation cannot happen unless there are receptive individuals there to receive it. Those individuals have almost universally been bored teenagers who hungered for something more than 38 Special and Sammy Hagar [1]. Thanks to bands such as Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, and M.D.C., a touring network came to exist which brought these bands to all of the lonely outposts, delivering the promise of something new for disaffected kids to believe in. The most important gift these bands left in the wake of their performances was the idea that anyone could do what they were doing.
By my estimation, this cultural exchange happened here in Longview / Kelso as well, but on a slightly different scale. Our small mill town just happens to be situated on the I-5 corridor smack dab in between Portland and Seattle. While those two cities, especially Seattle, were far away from any sort of media attention in the wake of the early 90s Grunge explosion, they were both important in their own right. Not large enough to be mentioned in the same sentence as Los Angeles or New York, but large enough for bands such as Black Flag to make time in their insane tour schedule to make frequent stops in. Our humble little suburb, by extension, took the residue, crumbs, rumors, and remnants of these events which then prompted a small but active music community to grow. We have heard the names many times: Protest, M.I.S., Dread, The Vagrants, and General Concern. These bands to me are a crucial explosion of inspiration which fired up a generation of kids to pick up their instruments and get on with it. It is here that the most critical point of the documentary becomes apparent. I was one of those kids who got caught up in the action and never ever stopped.
So in trying to determine a timeline for what was to be covered I feel that it is important to document the early days of our local scene and chronicle its own small explosion of bands in the early to mid 90s. From there, I want to examine why so many of those kids are still doing it despite there being no money, recognition, or glory in the process. What motivates someone like Barry Brusseau to continue on after nearly 30 years? The same goes for so many of us, those kids who came up at roughly the same time, what is it that keeps us coming back? As my gathering continues on in the coming months I hope that a more concrete timeline takes shape and more thematic elements present themselves. However, it should be noted that I have been having a blast looking at all the submitted materials and I must say that there is always room for more.
Being a hardcore numbers fan I feel that the true gauge of one’s progress is in the raw numbers and the statistical elements therein. So with that being said here are some crunchy tidbits for you local motherfuckers to chew on. Bon apetit.
-151 fliers
-297 pictures
-109 set lists
-64 pieces of misc. materials i.e. press clippings, calendars, stickers, and ticket stubs.
Of course, no documentary would be complete without authentic archival footage of our local scene in action. Over the last several years I have been in the process of transferring my own personal collection to DVD and have also done that with other people’s stuff. Check this list out gang! Be forewarned, it is not in chronological order and does not make much mention of out of town bands.
-Minty Rosa:
4.1.2011 @ Las Rocas in Longview
-The Hickmans:
11.20.10 @ Chinese Garden Lounge
Centaurpalooza PDX Summer 2010
Arnada Café Vancouver Wa. early 2004
Sky Bar Longview April 2004
Arnada Café Vancouver Wa. April 2004
Swanstock Kelso Wa. 1991 [includes about 60 seconds of The Dream playing]
-The Adickt:
KLTV Teen Talk 91/92 [includes interview and performance]
-Sid Khatryd:
Swanstock Kelso Wa. 1992
Swanstock Kelso Wa. 10.31.92
Swanstock Kelso Wa. October 92 [practice shit]
Winlock Community Center December 1993
Clays Coffee House Kelso Wa. January 1993
Clays Coffee House Kelso Wa. March 1993
Clays Coffee House Kelso Wa. July 1993 [second half of show]
Clays Coffee House Kelso Wa. August 1993
X-Ray Café PDX January 1994
Swanstock Kelso Wa. 1992? [random house party jam with various oddballs]
Minus World Longview Wa. 7.20.12 [reunion show]
-The Sunken:
Excommunicate House Vancouver Wa. 2005 [raging noise show]
-Thriftstore Undies:
Reid’s Pitstop Longview Wa. 1999 w/ Chester Copperpot
AWPPW Hall Longview Wa. 5.14.99
Kalama Fairgrounds Summer 1999
Longview Armory Longview Wa. 8.16.96
-Slave 69:
Monticello Hotel Longview Wa. April 1997
Matt Johnson’s back yard Kelso Wa. Summer 1997
Reid’s Pitstop Longview Wa. Summer 1997
Satyricon PDX Summer 1997
The Depot Concord Ca. Summer 2001 [includes trip footage]
The Place Battleground Wa. 2001 [picture quality sucks but audio rules]
The Shed Kelso Wa. circa 1992 w/ Marmalade and The Shankleberries
Reid’s Pitstop Longview Wa. 2003? [only has one song]
American Legion Longview Wa. 1997
Compilation vid filmed in various locations both locally and in PDX.
-Happy Campers:
KLTV Get a Clue with host Bryan Edmison [full interview and performance]
Ben Schneider’s basement Summer 2000 [raging set / Matt pukes like a champ]
-The Lolligaggers:
Reid’s Pitstop Longview Wa. 2003?
-Various artists:
Lower Columbia College Student Center Longview Wa. May 1993 J.A.M. Benefit show featuring Group Immolation, Klingon 4 Play, Bung, The Jimmies, The Shankleberries, and Meatlocker. [Awesome show]
Cowlitz County Fairgrounds May 1993 KLTV Grungefest special [has a few seconds of The Jimmies plus some cool footage of local yokels hanging out]
Thanks to the generous contributions of some great people I have amassed a sweet collection of pictures featuring local bands in action and just hanging out. Thus far it is a stunning set of pictures to check out. My collection represents the following bands [in no particular order]:
Big Dick McGee / Bung / Jackmove / Spagg / The Jimmies / F.S.U. / Wallcrawler / G.B.H.C. / Gus / Jet Lag / Meatlocker / M.I.S. / The Hickmans / Chuck Roast / Stranglefish / Sid Khatryd / Thriftstore Undies
I could go on and on about the substantial collection of recordings that I have managed to pick up along the way. However, that could potentially turn into a dissertation too long in the telling. My most recent treasure that I managed to transfer to digital format was The Jimmies / General Concern split 7inch. While everyone knows how amazing The Jimmies were and are worthy of their own documentary, it is the General Concern track that just blows my mind. Here was a band that was truly tapping into something just slightly to the left of the punk rock thing. I cannot accurately put into words how good of a band they were, other than that they were a bit ahead of their time. Without naming names, a handsome gentleman from the local scene is the holder of a cassette reel of a General Concern recording. One of my long standing goals is to take that reel to a studio and have it mixed. My belief is that this reel along with any other treasures of this type should be preserved for posterity and should not languish in a box or a garage. While to some people this may seem corny, I strongly believe that this is our heritage and it must be protected and celebrated.
While the gathering thus far has been exciting and really informative, there is one thing I have come to realize. We really have had an amazing scene here in this little nowhere town. Great bands, great people, and great memories abound in every piece of history that comes my way. While I have long desired to create a documentary of this largely isolated and unrecognized scene, I do not want to do this alone. This is a project where each and every contribution is a critical piece of the puzzle. There is an entire generation of us who each have a very unique and important story to tell. I am not just talking to the musicians either. I am hoping to have participation from people who took pictures, kept journals, recorded/ filmed a practice, or just brought themselves to the shows. From the active participant to the casual observer, each person has a part to play. This is an opportunity for each of us to get our say and tell our story. So dig out those dusty boxes from the attic and find your treasures.
Now here’s where the blog goes a bit off track and I address the skeptics and critics. In the past there had been questions in regards to my motivations as to why I would want to undertake a project of this type. This to me is a perfectly legitimate thing to question but let me be the first to dispel some myths as to what motivates me to do all this. First of all, there was an exchange between myself and a member of General Concern regarding my wish to have the aforementioned cassette reel mixed and mastered. He felt that somehow by doing such a thing at my own expense was a way to somehow make a profit from General Concern’s work. Why would I try to make money off of it? Is such a thing even possible? The question I posed to him was “Why would you allow such a treasure to languish in someone else’s garage? You could do this shit yourself yet you choose not to.” The plan was to have it mixed and mastered and give the finished product to the band and let them decide what to do from there. I mean let’s be real here, what’s the alternative? The physical and sonic condition of the reel itself could prove problematic in terms of salvaging it. However, that is a risk I am willing to take on myself at my own expense for one reason only…..because I give a shit.
So am I assembling all these scattered puzzle pieces simply to make a profit off of a documentary film? The short answer is NO. The following are my top motivations for making this project a reality:
1. Because I care about our local history and the scene that came from it. I am proud of everyone’s contributions…..even the shitty bands. There is so much history there that it is extremely hard not to be excited about all of it.
2. There have been numerous studies and anthologies regarding the subject of art and culture over the years. This documentary could serve as an additional link and area of interest for those individuals who are studying how culture can spread even in small communities. A major influence for me has been the book American Hardcore by Steven Blush. This book is essential reading for anyone into the punk and hardcore scene in the United States. Not only does Blush examine the major cities and the big players in each, but he also examines the spread of punk rock to small isolated communities.
3. To assure those of you who think I will be reaping massive profits at your expense. There is no money to be made here. As brilliant as all of us have been over the years, we all suffer from one thing…..we’re from here. Some of us have had brushes with the big time only to find ourselves back at our jobs or whatever. What I am trying to say is that I have no interest in making money off this project. I fully expect that I will operate at a deficit as I always have throughout my adult life. This is a truly D.I.Y. project in the purest sense of the word. The only money I have spent since I started working on this project in earnest has been to purchase gas to drive to your homes so that I can conduct my research. I fully intend to do all my work at my own expense and I also hope to enlist the help of qualified and sympathetic individuals who can assist in the more technical aspects of the project when I reach that point. Upon completion, I hope to publicly screen a finished product and give away copies to those who would like one. The most modest thing I can hope for with a project of this scope is to possibly screen it in Portland or Seattle. Money is not a good enough reason for me to do any artistic pursuit.
4. This next motivation may ruffle some feathers but I don’t give a fuck. Some of you have amazing pieces of history sitting in boxes, gathering dust in sheds, or at the bottom of your basement. I want to help you preserve your treasures. At best, some of you have this stuff and have not had any reason to dig it out. At worst, some of you are careless and slovenly. In either event I feel a strong desire to protect a heritage that belongs to all of us collectively. There are a lot of young kids out there playing shows locally as of late who have no idea who paved the road for them around these parts. When I hear a young kid say “I’ve never heard of The Jimmies,” it really pisses me off. This is an opportunity to not only preserve our history but to set the record straight. Why let bands like Seacats [2] have the last word on the scene that so many of us have spent our nights and days building up? These young kids don’t know the history, or at the very least don’t have any respect for it. For some of you, your participation was simply a product of your youth and you moved on to college, jobs, marriage, and kids. For the rest of us who are still out there it is important that people know that we still exist. Again, whatever you are holding, I would love to have the chance to preserve it for posterity. For some people, the past means nothing to them. For others, the past is something to be excited about, it’s a reminder what we have done and what we can still achieve.
5. I just want to do this because I feel it is important. This is something that should be done and it is a way of celebrating some awesome stuff. Is Longview/Kelso’s music scene something for the larger world to be excited about? Probably not, but it still deserves to have its place in history. We were right there during the Grunge explosion and its ripple effect touched us whether some of us want to admit it or not. Something was happening around here and its evidence is readily apparent to me. Our story is but an exciting and dynamic dot which can connect to other dots, an expression of a generation. We deserve to have our say.
So with all of this stuff said, the all important question is what’s next? With the summer in rapid decline I intend to spend my fall and winter evenings working on this project. I hope that I can elicit some help from all of you who read this. Each of you who were there, many of you have pictures, lyrics, set lists, demo tapes, videos and everything else in between. I want to hear from all of you. I want to spend the upcoming chilly nights basking in the glory of a shared history. Scanning your treasures, digitizing your cassettes, putting VHS tapes onto DVD, is something that I really look forward to. In fact, as I have been typing this, I just got contacted by another handsome local rock legend and he is bringing over a stack of video tapes. You fine folks have no idea how exciting that is to me. To some people they are just old tapes. To me they are crucial pieces to a truly amazing puzzle. The following Roaster fun list I hope will spur some of you into action:
Yes, I have a want list too. A few of the following items are things that I did have at one time but have since lost. Other things are simply items that I hope exist. As stated previously I hope that some of you get as fired up as me and help me out here. Check it.
-Stranglefish live at the post office 7.3.93 [Go 4th show]
-Stranglefish at X-Ray café November/December? 1993
-Stranglefish at Columbia Theater 9.17.93 [Duke’s Music battle of the bands]
-Stranglefish Real Rocker Newsletter [published in summer 1993]
-M.I.S. “Donation’s for Broken Glass” demo
-M.I.S. any video footage, set lists, or photos
-Dread any video footage, set lists, or photos
-The Jimmies any video footage, set lists, or photos [3]
-General Concern any video footage, set lists, photos, or recordings
-The Vagrants demo cassette
-Protest any video footage, set lists, photos
-The Lolligaggers any video footage, set lists, photos, Lolligagger Lager cd.
-Any fliers from Marty’s garage or video footage from shows there.
-He Man Woman Haters any video footage, set lists, photos, or recordings
-The Naked Apes any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-Klingon 4 Play any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-Loser any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-Chester Copperpot any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings [4]
-The Inner 6 any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-Academy Street any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-F.S.U. any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc.
-George Bush Heroin Connection any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc. [5]
-Peabody ‘Hick Bastard’ practice tape. [Only 4 copies were ever made so good luck]
-Aggressor any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc. [Jeremy Denman I’m looking at you]
-Aggressor any video footage, set lists, photos, recordings etc. [Jeremy Denman I’m looking at you]
Of course there are a ton of names I am missing and it is not my intent to leave anyone out. Every time I try to list off all the local bands I can possibly think of, the list is always incredibly long and then I think of about 5 or 6 more. The above mentioned want list is just a smattering of the stuff that is likely to exist out there. It is a near certainty that by the time this project is complete there will most likely be more materials surfacing. I am already well prepared for the idea that to have every piece of archival material from a town’s music scene will be next to impossible. However, as my college experience has taught me, in research it is always far better to have more material than you could ever possibly need. In the future there will be a public website put in place to display all of these collected materials. While a finished product is still a considerable distance off, I fully intend to take advantage of this upcoming fall and winter and really get down to business. If all goes well, I hope to do interviews with a small but diverse list of local musicians and fans by spring and summer of 2015.
In closing this long and meandering missive, I would like to thank the people who have thus far made a contribution to this project: Hilarie Hughes, Jerry Wilson, Erik Gidney, Tim Ward, Matt Johnson, Eric Hazen, and Mindy Conn. I would also like to send special shout out to Barry Brusseau for providing me with some interesting factoids and historical tidbits. I would also like to thank Scott Barnes for discussing his years on the super early local scene. There are still so many more people to talk to and work with in the coming months, and I sincerely look forward to every minute of it. Finally, to all those whom have entrusted me with their memorabilia, rest assured that your stuff is safe and I will get much of it back to you in the coming days and weeks. Ultimately, I felt that I owed all of you an update as to where we are on this project and where we intend to head in the near future. It is an incredibly exciting journey and one that I treat with the utmost reverence and respect.
Tyler Stockton
a/k/a Chuck Roast
Headless Pymp Rock Alliance
All questions, comments, cease and desist orders, and general inquiries can be sent to
[1] Nothing against 38 Special and Sammy Hagar at all but I recall there being a lot of that shit blaring out of many a car in the early 80s around here.
[2] I said Seacats because…..why fucking not?
[3] There is a fine handsome man who holds a fairly substantial amount of Jimmies stuff and I foresee myself camping out at his house very soon. You simply cannot talk about anything that ever went on musically in this town without talking about The Jimmies.
[4]If you have “Kings of Tardcore” I will be your friend forever. While I was not particularly close with Mike Agee and I’m sure that feeling goes both ways, one cannot argue with the fact that the dude could write some catchy goddamned songs.
[5]While of course there were different permutations on the G.B.H.C. name I am looking for the very earliest stuff. Of course I am also looking for the later stuff as well so please don’t think I’m nitpicking.
Miss Hilarie gave me the inspiration to include some of the items I have collected over the last year or so. In doing this I further hope to prove that I am quite serious about this project, and that I have actually been attempting to put something together. I also hope that by including a few photos, fliers, and other items here along with my dense yet impassioned manifesto I can inspire the lot of you into contributing to this project. So check this good stuff out……which was picked out at random for maximum fun and frolic.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
My wife was the inspiration for this list. Someone on Facebook was urging people to post their list of their top 13 favorite albums. She felt that there was no way she could narrow it down so she went one step further and did a list featuring 113 albums. Her criteria was simple in that the list could only feature one album per artist; which I assume was for the sake of variety. This was difficult for me when it came to some bands since there are whole catalogs of music I like. For extra fun and frolic she put her list in chronological order starting with the earliest works first. So in a fit of inspiration I too decided to try my hand at this so without further ado…..enjoy.
1. John Lee Hooker – House of the Blues (1959)
2. Miles Davis – E.S.P. (1965)
3. John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers – A Hard Road (1967)
4. Velvet Underground – Velvet Underground With Nico (1967)
5. MC5 – Back in the U.S.A. (1970)
6. The Who – Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy (1971)
7. Yes – Fragile (1971)
8. Black Sabbath – Volume 4 (1972)
9. The Stooges – Raw Power (1973)
10. Blue Oyster Cult – Secret Treaties (1974)
11. Frank Zappa – Roxy and Elsewhere (1974)
12. Genesis – The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
13. Led Zeppelin – Physical Grafiti (1975)
14. Steely Dan – The Royal Scam (1975)
15. Kiss-destroyer (1976)
16. Rush – 2112 (1976)
17. Pink Floyd – Animals (1977)
18. AC/DC – Let there Be Rock (1977)
19. Ace Frehley – Self Titled (1978)
20. J. Geils Band – The Best of (1979)
21. Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures (1979)
22. Wire – 154 (1979)
23. The Wipers – Is This Real (1980)
24. Siouxsie and the Banshees – Kaleidoscope (1980)
25. Dead Kennedys – In God We Trust Inc. (1981)
26. Black Flag – Damaged (1981)
27. The Cure – Pornography (1982)
28. Crass – Christ the Album (1982)
29. Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast (1982)
30. Van Halen – Diver Down (1982)
31. The Scorpions – Blackout (1982)
32. Def Leppard – Pyromania (1983)
33. The Subhumans – The Day the Country Died (1983)
34. Quiet Riot – Metal Health (1983)
35. Swans – Filth (1983)
36. Judas Priest – Defenders of the Faith (1984)
37. Ratt – Out of the Cellar (1984)
38. Twisted Sister – Stay Hungry (1984)
39. Motorhead – No Remorse (1984)
40. S.O.D. – Speak English or Die (1985)
41. Celtic Frost – To Mega Therion (1985)
42. Metallica – Master of Puppets (1986)
43. Slayer – Reign in Blood (1986)
44. The Mentors – Up the Dose (1986)
45. Kreator – Pleasure to Kill (1986)
46. The Smithereens – Especially For You (1986)
47. The Smiths – Louder Than Bombs (1987)
48. Anthrax – Among the Living (1987)
49. Death – Scream Bloody Gore (1987)
50. The Butthole Surfers – Locust Abortion Technician (1987)
51. The Damned – The Light At the End of the Tunnel (1987)
52. Nuclear Assault – The Plague (1987)
53. M.O.D. – U.S.A. For M.O.D. (1987)
54. Wehrmacht – Shark Attack (1987)
55. Sodom – Persecution Mania (1987)
56. R.E.M. – Dead Letter Office (1987)
57. King Diamond – Them (1988)
58. The Sugarcubes – Life’s Too Good (1988)
59. Rancid Vat – Justice: This is What We Do to Traitors (1988)
60. Smegma – Smell the Remains (1988)
61. Voivod – Dimension Hatross (1988)
62. They Might Be Giants – Lincoln (1988)
63. Carcass – Reek of Putrefaction (1988)
64. The Birthday Party – Hee Haw (1988)
65. Public Enemy – It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988)
66. N.W.A. – Straight Out of Compton (1988)
67. Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation (1988)
68. Cocteau Twins – Blue Bell Knoll (1988)
69. The Ramones – Ramones Mania (1988)
70. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Tender Prey (1988)
71. My Bloody Valentine – Isn’t Anything (1988)
72. The Pixies – Surfer Rosa (1988)
73. Fugazi – 13 Songs (1989)
74. Minor Threat – Discography (1989)
75. Ludichrist – Powertrip (1989)
76. Bauhaus – Swing the Heartache: The BBC Sessions (1989)
77. Nirvana – Bleach (1989)
78. Depeche Mode – Violator (1990)
79. Robyn Hitchcock – Eye (1990)
80. Mudhoney – Superfuzz Bigmuff (1990)
81. G.G. Allin – Doctrine of Mayhem (1990)
82. Poison Idea – Feel the Darkness (1990)
83. Napalm Death – Harmony Corruption (1990)
84. Morbid Angel – Altars of Madness (1990)
85. Muddy Waters – Chess Box Set (1990)
86. The Breeders – Pod (1990)
87. The Melvins – Bullhead (1991)
88. Seaweed – Despised (1991)
89. General Surgery – Necrology (1991)
90. Flop – And the Fall of the Mop Squeezer (1992)
91. Beastie Boys – Check Your Head (1992)
92. Ween – Pure Guava (1992)
93. Cannibal Corpse – Tomb of the Mutilated (1992)
94. Deicide – Legion (1992)
95. Incantation – Onward to Golgotha (1992)
96. Antiseen – Eat More Possum (1993)
97. The Posies – Frosting on the Beater (1993)
98. Pearl Jam – Vs. (1993)
99. Darkthrone – Transylvanian Hunger (1994)
100. Anal Cunt – Everyone Should be Killed (1994)
101. Pantera – Far Beyond Driven (1994)
102. Man is the Bastard – D.I.Y.C.D. (1995)
103. Karp – Suplex (1995)
104. Heatmiser – Mic City Sons (1996)
105. Robert Pollard – Not In My Airforce (1996)
106. Eyehategod – Dopesick (1996)
107. Guided By Voices – Mag Earwhig (1997)
108. Spazz – Sweating to the Oldies (1998)
109. Phobia – Means of Existence (1998)
110. Master P – The Last Don (1998)
111. Nile – Among the Catacombs of Nephren Ka (1998)
112. Marduk – Panzer Division Marduk (1999)
113. Deftones – White Pony (2000)
1950s: 1 release for .8% of the total list
1959: (1)100%
1960s: 3 releases for 2.65% of the total list
1965: (1)33.3%
1967: (2)66.6%
1970s: 18 releases for 15.92% of the total list
1970: (1)5.5%
1971: (2)11.1%
1972: (1)5.5%
1973: (1)5.5%
1974: (3)16.6%
1975: (2)11.1%
1976: (2)11.1%
1977: (2)11.1%
1978: (1)5.5%
1979: (3)16.6%
1980s: 55 releases for 48.67% of the total list
1980: (2)3.63%
1981: (2)3.63
1982: (5)9.09%
1983: (4)7.27%
1984: (4)7.27%
1985: (2)3.63%
1986: (5)9.09%
1987: (10)18.18
1988: (16)29.09%
1989: (5)9.09%
1990s: 35 releases for 30.97% of the total list
1990: (9)25.71%
1991: (3)8.57%
1992: (6)17.14%
1993: (3)8.57%
1994: (3)8.57%
1995: (2)5.71%
1996: (3)8.57%
1997: (1)2.85%
1998: (4)11.42%
1999: (1)2.85%
2000s: 1 release for.8% of the total list
2000: (1)100%
The year which hosts the most releases is 1988 with 16 comprising 14.15% of the total list.
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "metal" genre: 18.75%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "alternative" genre: 50%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "rap / hip hop" genre: 12.5%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "punk" genre: 18.75%
47 albums on the list are “metal” which comprises 41.59% of the total list.
2. Miles Davis – E.S.P. (1965)
3. John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers – A Hard Road (1967)
4. Velvet Underground – Velvet Underground With Nico (1967)
5. MC5 – Back in the U.S.A. (1970)
6. The Who – Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy (1971)
7. Yes – Fragile (1971)
8. Black Sabbath – Volume 4 (1972)
9. The Stooges – Raw Power (1973)
10. Blue Oyster Cult – Secret Treaties (1974)
11. Frank Zappa – Roxy and Elsewhere (1974)
12. Genesis – The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
13. Led Zeppelin – Physical Grafiti (1975)
14. Steely Dan – The Royal Scam (1975)
15. Kiss-destroyer (1976)
16. Rush – 2112 (1976)
17. Pink Floyd – Animals (1977)
18. AC/DC – Let there Be Rock (1977)
19. Ace Frehley – Self Titled (1978)
20. J. Geils Band – The Best of (1979)
21. Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures (1979)
22. Wire – 154 (1979)
23. The Wipers – Is This Real (1980)
24. Siouxsie and the Banshees – Kaleidoscope (1980)
25. Dead Kennedys – In God We Trust Inc. (1981)
26. Black Flag – Damaged (1981)
27. The Cure – Pornography (1982)
28. Crass – Christ the Album (1982)
29. Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast (1982)
30. Van Halen – Diver Down (1982)
31. The Scorpions – Blackout (1982)
32. Def Leppard – Pyromania (1983)
33. The Subhumans – The Day the Country Died (1983)
34. Quiet Riot – Metal Health (1983)
35. Swans – Filth (1983)
36. Judas Priest – Defenders of the Faith (1984)
37. Ratt – Out of the Cellar (1984)
38. Twisted Sister – Stay Hungry (1984)
39. Motorhead – No Remorse (1984)
40. S.O.D. – Speak English or Die (1985)
41. Celtic Frost – To Mega Therion (1985)
42. Metallica – Master of Puppets (1986)
43. Slayer – Reign in Blood (1986)
44. The Mentors – Up the Dose (1986)
45. Kreator – Pleasure to Kill (1986)
46. The Smithereens – Especially For You (1986)
47. The Smiths – Louder Than Bombs (1987)
48. Anthrax – Among the Living (1987)
49. Death – Scream Bloody Gore (1987)
50. The Butthole Surfers – Locust Abortion Technician (1987)
51. The Damned – The Light At the End of the Tunnel (1987)
52. Nuclear Assault – The Plague (1987)
53. M.O.D. – U.S.A. For M.O.D. (1987)
54. Wehrmacht – Shark Attack (1987)
55. Sodom – Persecution Mania (1987)
56. R.E.M. – Dead Letter Office (1987)
57. King Diamond – Them (1988)
58. The Sugarcubes – Life’s Too Good (1988)
59. Rancid Vat – Justice: This is What We Do to Traitors (1988)
60. Smegma – Smell the Remains (1988)
61. Voivod – Dimension Hatross (1988)
62. They Might Be Giants – Lincoln (1988)
63. Carcass – Reek of Putrefaction (1988)
64. The Birthday Party – Hee Haw (1988)
65. Public Enemy – It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988)
66. N.W.A. – Straight Out of Compton (1988)
67. Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation (1988)
68. Cocteau Twins – Blue Bell Knoll (1988)
69. The Ramones – Ramones Mania (1988)
70. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Tender Prey (1988)
71. My Bloody Valentine – Isn’t Anything (1988)
72. The Pixies – Surfer Rosa (1988)
73. Fugazi – 13 Songs (1989)
74. Minor Threat – Discography (1989)
75. Ludichrist – Powertrip (1989)
76. Bauhaus – Swing the Heartache: The BBC Sessions (1989)
77. Nirvana – Bleach (1989)
78. Depeche Mode – Violator (1990)
79. Robyn Hitchcock – Eye (1990)
80. Mudhoney – Superfuzz Bigmuff (1990)
81. G.G. Allin – Doctrine of Mayhem (1990)
82. Poison Idea – Feel the Darkness (1990)
83. Napalm Death – Harmony Corruption (1990)
84. Morbid Angel – Altars of Madness (1990)
85. Muddy Waters – Chess Box Set (1990)
86. The Breeders – Pod (1990)
87. The Melvins – Bullhead (1991)
88. Seaweed – Despised (1991)
89. General Surgery – Necrology (1991)
90. Flop – And the Fall of the Mop Squeezer (1992)
91. Beastie Boys – Check Your Head (1992)
92. Ween – Pure Guava (1992)
93. Cannibal Corpse – Tomb of the Mutilated (1992)
94. Deicide – Legion (1992)
95. Incantation – Onward to Golgotha (1992)
96. Antiseen – Eat More Possum (1993)
97. The Posies – Frosting on the Beater (1993)
98. Pearl Jam – Vs. (1993)
99. Darkthrone – Transylvanian Hunger (1994)
100. Anal Cunt – Everyone Should be Killed (1994)
101. Pantera – Far Beyond Driven (1994)
102. Man is the Bastard – D.I.Y.C.D. (1995)
103. Karp – Suplex (1995)
104. Heatmiser – Mic City Sons (1996)
105. Robert Pollard – Not In My Airforce (1996)
106. Eyehategod – Dopesick (1996)
107. Guided By Voices – Mag Earwhig (1997)
108. Spazz – Sweating to the Oldies (1998)
109. Phobia – Means of Existence (1998)
110. Master P – The Last Don (1998)
111. Nile – Among the Catacombs of Nephren Ka (1998)
112. Marduk – Panzer Division Marduk (1999)
113. Deftones – White Pony (2000)
1959: (1)100%
1960s: 3 releases for 2.65% of the total list
1965: (1)33.3%
1967: (2)66.6%
1970s: 18 releases for 15.92% of the total list
1970: (1)5.5%
1971: (2)11.1%
1972: (1)5.5%
1973: (1)5.5%
1974: (3)16.6%
1975: (2)11.1%
1976: (2)11.1%
1977: (2)11.1%
1978: (1)5.5%
1979: (3)16.6%
1980s: 55 releases for 48.67% of the total list
1980: (2)3.63%
1981: (2)3.63
1982: (5)9.09%
1983: (4)7.27%
1984: (4)7.27%
1985: (2)3.63%
1986: (5)9.09%
1987: (10)18.18
1988: (16)29.09%
1989: (5)9.09%
1990s: 35 releases for 30.97% of the total list
1990: (9)25.71%
1991: (3)8.57%
1992: (6)17.14%
1993: (3)8.57%
1994: (3)8.57%
1995: (2)5.71%
1996: (3)8.57%
1997: (1)2.85%
1998: (4)11.42%
1999: (1)2.85%
2000s: 1 release for.8% of the total list
2000: (1)100%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "metal" genre: 18.75%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "alternative" genre: 50%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "rap / hip hop" genre: 12.5%
Percentage of those releases which would fall within the "punk" genre: 18.75%
17 albums on the list are “punk” which comprises 15.04% of the total list.
This list of course could change with any given day but most of these are mainstays in my musical diet / development and have provided me with tons of inspiration. Do yourself a favor and give some of these releases a listen.
Bye. Roaster.
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